Important Links


The Institute refers for related subjects to the following web sites:


! iis tries to update all links as soon as possible. However we are aware of the fact that changes are not always noticed by us at once. Therefore, you feedback is appreciated. Also all other reactions and comments are welcome.


Data entry portal for reporting sample receipt and test results

iis for petroleum products and (petro) chemicals
iis for consumer products


Other organizers of Proficiency Tests

Europe EC - EPTIS Internet database European Information system on Proficiency Testing Schemes
Netherlands, The WEPAL Wageningen Evaluating Programmes for Analytical Laboratories
Netherlands, The   COKZ  
Denmark National Institute of Occupational Health DEQAS
Germany IFA  
United Kingdom FERA FAPAS: Food
USA ASTM Fuels, petroleum products
USA LQSi minerals, incl. coal, coke, fertilizers, ores, concentrates, and bauxite
Switzerland EMPA  


National Accreditation Bodies and related institutes

Global ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
Countries List of signatories of ILAC Arrangement  


Standardization & Normalisation & Standard Institutes

 --- ISO International Standards Organisation
 --- APLAC Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
 --- EA/EAL European co-operation for Accreditation
Australia CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Australia NATA National Association of Testing Authorities
Brazil INMETRO National Institue for Metrology and Industiral Quality
Canada NRC Institute for National Measurement Standards
Canada SCC Standards Council of Canada
Denmark DFM Danish Institute of Fundamental Metrology
Finland FINAS Center for Metrology and Accreditation
Finland SFS Standards Association
France Afnor Association française de normalisation
France LNE Laboratoire National d'Essais
Germany DIN DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.
Germany PTB Physikalisch - Technische Bundesanstalt
Greece ELOT Hellenic Organization for Standarization
Ireland NML National Metrology Laboratory
Japan JIS Industrial Standards
Korea KRISS Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
Malaysia SIRIM Standards & Industrial Research Institute
Netherlands, The NMi Nederlands Meetinstituut
Netherlands, The NEN Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut
Portugal IPQ Instituto Português da Qualidade
Thailand TISI THAI Industrial Standards Institute
United Kingdom BSi Britisch Standards Institute
United Kingdom CBM Center For Basic Metrology
United Kingdom IP Institute of Petroleum
United Kingdom NPL National Physics Laboratory
USA ANSI The American National Standards Institute
USA ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
USA NIST US National Institute of Standards & Technology 


Other relevant Institutes and Companies
America's National Association for Proficiency Testing NAPT
America's National Standards System Network NSSN
Bureau International des Poids et Measures BIPM
Environmental Protection Agency EPA
European Organization for Quality EOQ
Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements IRMM
Laboratory of the National Chemist LGC
Société Générale de Surveillance SGS
NIST: Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty Uncertainty of Measurement Results

List of various quality links

List of various quality links


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