Error in formula in manual Mettler Toledo DE40/50/51.
During the methanol round robin of September 2004 abberant observations for Apparent Specific Gravity measurements revealed the presence of an error in a formula in the apparatus manual of some Mettler Toledo digital density meters. On page 12 of this manual an overview of all relevant conversion formulas is given. In the formula for conversion of the Apparent Density into the Apparent Specific Gravity (the last one of the list) a -probably typing - error has been made. In stead of divided the Apparent Density by the Density of water in air the Apparent Density is divided by the Density of water in vacuum, thus resulting in a false Apparent Specific Gravity result. An explanation of the correct definitions, together with the correct formulas is given in the final report of the methanol round robin iis04C06, that can be downloaded here.